Indisch Wetenschappelijk Instituut

treffer 8
presentatietitel: Noordkust van West-Java bij Tegal
titel: B15b. Java's north coast between Kramat and Karangwun, 6 miles east of Tegal, a small port on the north coast of Central Java, about 45 miles east of Cheribon. The main article of export was sugar. Its prewar population was 39000 of which 1350, were Europeans. The main road along the north coast is here only 100 yards from the sea
datering: 1944-1945
objectnaam: Foto
categorie: Beeldarchief
iconografie: Strand
serie: ALB-2067,49
geografie: Tegal
standplaats: Tropenmuseum (NMvW) Amsterdam
inventarisnummer: 30020013