Indisch Wetenschappelijk Instituut

treffer 6
presentatietitel: Stadsgezicht van Semarang
titel: B17. Semarang. Aerial view of Semarang, port on the north coast of Central Java. Semarang is the fourth largest city of Java. The prewar population was 210,000 Indonesians and 13,000 Europeans, Although its harbour proper is very small and most shipping has to anchor in the roadstead, nearly one-fifth of the total import and export of Java passed through this port
datering: 1944-1945
objectnaam: Foto
categorie: Beeldarchief
iconografie: Rails
serie: ALB-2067,51
geografie: Semarang
voorstelling: gebouwde omgeving
standplaats: Tropenmuseum (NMvW) Amsterdam
inventarisnummer: 30020015